Francis's Octopress Blog

A blogging framework for hackers.

Rails 3.1.0 ActionView::Template::Errror (application.css Isn’t Precompiled)

rails 3.1.0 ActionView::Template::Errror (application.css isn’t precompiled)

I made a basic rails app with a simple pages controller with an index function and when I load the page I get:

ActionView::Template::Error (application.css isn’t precompiled): app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:5:in `_app_views_layouts_application_html

By default Rails assumes that you have your files precompiled in the production environment, if you want use live compiling (compile your assets during runtime) in production you must set the config.assets.compile to true.



… config.assets.compile = true … You can use this option to fallback to Sprockets when you are using precompiled assets but there are any missing precompiled files.

If config.assets.compile option is set to false and there are missing precompiled files you will get an “AssetNoPrecompiledError” indicating the name of the missing file.

You will get better performance in production if you set config.assets.compile to false in production.rb and precompile your assets. You can precompile with this rake task:

bundle exec rake assets:precompile




nmap localhost


lsof -i:port +sudo比较好


netstat -nap|grep port


cat /etc/services


sudo /etc/init.d/service start|stop|restart


服务及对应端口          服务及对应端口    Echo(7)                 FTP(21) Ssh(22)                 Telnet(23) SMTP(25)                 DNS(53) HTTP(80)                 MTA-X.400 over TCP/IP(102) pop3(110)                NETBIOS Name Service(137、 138、139) IMAP v2(143)               SNMP(161) LDAP、ILS(389)              Https(443) IMAP(993) SQL(1433) NetMeeting T.120(1503) NetMeeting(1720) NetMeeting Audio Call Control(1731) 超级终端(3389)
QQ客户端(4000) pcAnywere(5631) RealAudio(6970) Sygate (7323) OICQ(8000) Wingate(8010) 代理端口(8080) 1、端口:7 服务:Echo 说明:能看到许多人搜索Fraggle放大器时,发送到X.X.X.0和X.X.X.255的信息。 2、端口:21 服务:FTP 说明:FTP服务器所开放的端口,用于上传、下载。最常见的攻击者用于寻找打开anonymous的FTP服务器的方法。这些服务器带有可读写的目录。木马Doly Trojan、Fore、Invisible FTP、WebEx、WinCrash和Blade Runner所开放的端口。 3、端口:22 服务:Ssh 说明:PcAnywhere建立的TCP和这一端口的连接可能是为了寻找ssh。这一服务有许多弱点,如果配置成特定的模式,许多使用RSAREF库的版本就会有不少的漏洞 存在。 4、端口:23 服务:Telnet 说明:远程登录,入侵者在搜索远程登录UNIX的服务。大多数情况下扫描这一端口是为了找到机器运行的操作系统。还有使用其他技术,入侵者也会找到密码。木马Tiny Telnet Server就开放这个端口。 5、端口:25 服务:SMTP 说明:SMTP服务器所开放的端口,用于发送邮件。入侵者寻找SMTP服务器是为了传递他们的SPAM。入侵者的帐户被关闭,他们需要连接到高带宽的E-MAIL服务器上,将简单的信息传递到不同的地址。木马Antigen、Email Password Sender、Haebu Coceda、Shtrilitz Stealth、WinPC、WinSpy都开放这个端口。 6、端口:53 服务:Domain Name Server(DNS) 说明:DNS服务器所开放的端口,入侵者可能是试图进行区域传递(TCP),欺骗DNS(UDP)或隐藏其他的通信。因此防火墙常常过滤或记录此端口。 7、端口:80 服务:HTTP 说明:用于网页浏览。木马Executor开放此端口。 8、端口:102 服务:Message transfer agent(MTA)-X.400 over TCP/IP 说明:消息传输代理。 9、端口:110 服务:pop3 说明:POP3(Post Office Protocol 3)服务器开放此端口,用于接收邮件,客户端访问服务器端的邮件服务。POP3服务有许多公认的弱点。关于用户名和密码交换缓冲区溢出的弱点至少有20个,这意味着入侵者可以在真正登陆前进入系统。成功登陆后还有其他缓冲区溢出错误。 10、端口:137、138、139 服务:NETBIOS Name Service 说明:其中137、138是UDP端口,当通过网上邻居传输文件时用这个端口。而139端口:通过这个端口进入的连接试图获得NetBIOS/SMB服务。这个协议被用于windows文件和打印机共享和SAMBA。还有WINS Regisrtation也用它。 11、端口:143 服务:Interim Mail Access Protocol v2 说明:和POP3的安全问题一样,许多IMAP服务器存在有缓冲区溢出漏洞。记住: 一种LINUX蠕虫(admv0rm)会通过这个端口繁殖,因此许多这个端口的扫描来自不知情的已经被感染的用户。当REDHAT在他们的LINUX发布版本中默认允许IMAP后,这些漏洞变的很流行。这一端口还被用于IMAP2,但并不流行。 12、端口:161 服务:SNMP 说明:SNMP允许远程管理设备。所有配置和运行信息的储存在数据库中,通过SNMP可获得这些信息。许多管理员的错误配置将被暴露在Internet。Cackers将试图使用默认的密码public、private访问系统。他们可能会试验所有可能的组合。 SNMP包可能会被错误的指向用户的网络。 13、端口:389 服务:LDAP、ILS 说明:轻型目录访问协议和NetMeeting Internet Locator Server共用这一端口 。 14、端口:443 服务:Https 说明:网页浏览端口,能提供加密和通过安全端口传输的另一种HTTP。 15、端口:993 服务:IMAP 说明:SSL(Secure Sockets layer) 16、端口:1433 服务:SQL 说明:Microsoft的SQL服务开放的端口。 17、端口:1503 服务:NetMeeting T.120 说明:NetMeeting T.120 18、端口:1720 服务:NetMeeting 说明:NetMeeting H.233 call Setup。 19、端口:1731 服务:NetMeeting Audio Call Control 说明:NetMeeting音频调用控制。 20、端口:3389 服务:超级终端 说明:WINDOWS 2000终端开放此端口。 21、端口:4000 服务:QQ客户端 说明:腾讯QQ客户端开放此端口。 22、端口:5631 服务:pcAnywere 说明:有时会看到很多这个端口的扫描,这依赖于用户所在的位置。当用户打开pcAnywere时,它会自动扫描局域网C类网以寻找可能的代理(这里的代理是指agent而不是proxy)。入侵者也会寻找开放这种服务的计算机。,所以应该查看这种扫描的源地址。一些搜寻pcAnywere的扫描包常含端口22的UDP数据包。 23、端口:6970 服务:RealAudio 说明:RealAudio客户将从服务器的6970-7170的UDP端口接收音频数据流。这是由TCP-7070端口外向控制连接设置的。 24、端口:7323 服务:[NULL] 说明:Sygate服务器端。 25、端口:8000 服务:OICQ 说明:腾讯QQ服务器端开放此端口。 26、端口:8010 服务:Wingate 说明:Wingate代理开放此端口。 27、端口:8080 服务:代理端口 说明:WWW代理开放此端口

Rails学习笔记: Rake 相关命令

rails学习笔记: rake 相关命令

命令行 rake db:***** script/generate model task name:string priority:integer
script/generate migration add_description_to_task description:string
script/generate migration remove_description_from_task description:string

类似的概念里有叫做“迁移 (migration)”的东西,Rails的世界里,指的是改变数据库的结构(schema)。这个通过db/migrate目录下面的 Ruby 脚本执行。

另一方面,db/seeds.rb 也向数据库插入数据。例如,在希望从开始状态准备初期管理者帐户的情况下使用。


db/seeds.rb 是像下面的例子一样的普通的 Rails 脚本:

Administrator.create(:name => ‘root’, :password => ‘’)专用的 Rake 任务 db:seeds 也具备。

数据类型 引用

:string, :text, :integer, :float,:decimal, :datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date,

:binary, :boolean


db:charset 检索当前环境下数据库的字符设置
db:collation 检索当前环境下数据库的校对
db:create 用config\database.yml中的定义创建当前 RAILS_ENV 项目环境下的数据库
db:create:all 用config\database.yml中的定义创建所有数据库
db:drop 删除当前 RAILS_ENV项目环境中的数据库
db:drop:all 删除所有在 config\database.yml中定义的数据库
db:reset 从db\schema.rb中为当前环境重建数据库(先删后建).
db:rollback 回滚(清华出版社一本SQLSERVER书的名词[很奇怪为什么不直接用滚回])数据库到前一个版本. 指定回滚到哪一步要用 STEP=n 参数
db:version 检索当前模式下的版本

备份数据库 rake db:backup:create 根据database.yml的信息备份数据库 rake db:backup:destroy 默认删除一天前的备份数据 rake db:backup:rebuild 默认恢复最新的备份数据


添加索引 引用

add_index :acls, [“action_id”,“group_id”],:unique=>true add_index :acls, :action_id

drop all tables 删除全部表 rake db:migrate VERSION=0

指定恢复/删除: rake db:migrate:down/up VERSION = version_of_migrati

定义数字精确度 t.integer :total_price, :precision=>8,:scale=>2,:default=>0

======================================================================================================================================================== rake db:abort_if_pending_migrations # Raises an error if there are pending migrations rake db:charset # Retrieves the charset for the current environment’s database rake db:collation # Retrieves the collation for the current environment’s database rake db:create # Create the database defined in config/database.yml for the current RAILS_ENV rake db:create:all # Create all the local databases defined in config/database.yml rake db:drop # Drops the database for the current RAILS_ENV rake db:drop:all # Drops all the local databases defined in config/database.yml rake db:fixtures:identify # Search for a fixture given a LABEL or ID. rake db:fixtures:load # Load fixtures into the current environment’s database. rake db:migrate # Migrate the database through scripts in db/migrate. rake db:migrate:down # Runs the “down” for a given migration VERSION. rake db:migrate:redo # Rollbacks the database one migration and re migrate up. rake db:migrate:reset # Resets your database using your migrations for the current environment rake db:migrate:up # Runs the “up” for a given migration VERSION. rake db:reset # Drops and recreates the database from db/schema.rb for the current environment. rake db:rollback # Rolls the schema back to the previous version. rake db:schema:dump # Create a db/schema.rb file that can be portably used against any DB supported by AR rake db:schema:load # Load a schema.rb file into the database rake db:sessions:clear # Clear the sessions table rake db:sessions:create # Creates a sessions migration for use with CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore rake db:structure:dump # Dump the database structure to a SQL file rake db:test:clone # Recreate the test database from the current environment’s database schema rake db:test:clone_structure # Recreate the test databases from the development structure rake db:test:load # Recreate the test database from the current schema.rb rake db:test:prepare # Check for pending migrations and load the test schema rake db:test:purge # Empty the test database rake db:version # Retrieves the current schema version number rake doc:app # Build the app HTML Files rake doc:clobber_app # Remove rdoc products rake doc:clobber_plugins # Remove plugin documentation rake doc:clobber_rails # Remove rdoc products rake doc:guides # Generate Rails guides rake doc:plugins # Generate documentation for all installed plugins rake doc:rails # Build the rails HTML Files rake doc:reapp # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files rake doc:rerails # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files rake gems # List the gems that this rails application depends on rake gems:build # Build any native extensions for unpacked gems rake gems:install # Installs all required gems for this application. rake gems:refresh_specs # Regenerate gem specifications in correct format. rake gems:unpack # Unpacks the specified gem into vendor/gems. rake gems:unpack:dependencies # Unpacks the specified gems and its dependencies into vendor/gems rake log:clear # Truncates all .log files in log/ to zero bytes rake notes # Enumerate all annotations rake notes:custom # Enumerate a custom annotation, specify with ANNOTATION=WTFHAX rake notes:fixme # Enumerate all FIXME annotations rake notes:optimize # Enumerate all OPTIMIZE annotations rake notes:todo # Enumerate all TODO annotations rake rails:freeze:edge # Lock to latest Edge Rails, for a specific release use RELEASE=1.2.0 rake rails:freeze:gems # Lock this application to the current gems (by unpacking them into vendor/rails) rake rails:unfreeze # Unlock this application from freeze of gems or edge and return to a fluid use of system gems rake rails:update # Update both configs, scripts and public/javascripts from Rails rake rails:update:configs # Update config/boot.rb from your current rails install rake rails:update:javascripts # Update your javascripts from your current rails install rake rails:update:scripts # Add new scripts to the application script/ directory rake routes # Print out all defined routes in match order, with names. rake secret # Generate a crytographically secure secret key. rake stats # Report code statistics (KLOCs, etc) from the application rake test # Run all unit, functional and integration tests rake test:benchmark # Run tests for benchmarkdb:test:prepare / Benchmark the performance tests rake test:functionals # Run tests for functionalsdb:test:prepare / Run the functional tests in test/functional rake test:integration # Run tests for integrationdb:test:prepare / Run the integration tests in test/integration rake test:plugins # Run tests for pluginsenvironment / Run the plugin tests in vendor/plugins//**/test (or specify with PLUGIN=name) rake test:profile # Run tests for profiledb:test:prepare / Profile the performance tests rake test:recent # Run tests for recentdb:test:prepare / Test recent changes rake test:uncommitted # Run tests for uncommitteddb:test:prepare / Test changes since last checkin (only Subversion and Git) rake test:units # Run tests for unitsdb:test:prepare / Run the unit tests in test/unit rake time:zones:all # Displays names of all time zones recognized by the Rails TimeZone class, grouped by offset. rake time:zones:local # Displays names of time zones recognized by the Rails TimeZone class with the same offset as the system local time rake time:zones:us # Displays names of US time zones recognized by the Rails TimeZone class, grouped by offset. rake tmp:cache:clear # Clears all files and directories in tmp/cache rake tmp:clear # Clear session, cache, and socket files from tmp/ rake tmp:create # Creates tmp directories for sessions, cache, and sockets rake tmp:pids:clear # Clears all files in tmp/pids rake tmp:sessions:clear # Clears all files in tmp/sessions rake tmp:sockets:clear # Clears all files in tmp/sockets

Rvm下安装gem编译失败 Linecache19

rvm下安装gem编译失败 linecache19

报错:An error occured while installing linecache19 (0.5.12), and Bundler cannot continue.


ruby -v

then manually use —force to bypass version check:

gem install ruby_core_source

gem install linecache19 —force

if you faced with another error starting with following lines:

checking for vm_core.h… no

extconf.rb failed

You have to explicitly set the source path to vm_core.h

In my case:

$ which ruby


$ echo $rvm_path


so to install linecache19 :

gem install ruby_core_source

gem install linecache19 —force — —with-ruby-include=$rvm_path/src/ruby-1.9.2-rc2/

ruby-debug19 has a similar issue:

gem install ruby-debug19 —force — —with-ruby-include=$rvm_path/src/ruby-1.9.2-rc2/

That’s all!



gem install ruby_core_source

if cannot rvm pkg install openssl   sudo rvm pkg install openssl end

rvm remove 1.9.2-p290 rvm install 1.9.2-p290 —with-openssl-dir=$rvm_path/usr

ruby-debug and ruby 1.9

If you have trouble installing ruby-debug19 try installing with the following command:

$ rvm reinstall 1.9.2 --patch debug --force-autoconf
$ gem install ruby-debug19 -- --with-ruby-include="${MY_RUBY_HOME/rubies/src}"

Rails Rake指南

Rails Rake指南

这是Rails Envy网站的一篇Rake指南,你可以在这里找到原文。




要理解Rake,我们首先得来了解一下Rake的历史悠远的祖先:Make。因此我们需要暂且回到解释型语言产生之前的久远年代,在那个时代,所有代码都需 要被编译,然后才能够被执行,所以当你从Internet下载到一个相当庞大的程序后,一般来说,除了源代码,程序包中还会包含一个类似 “”的Shell脚本,它会负责帮你完成源代码的编译,并生成最终的可执行文件。


因此,针对这个问题,Bell实验室的Stuart Feldman创造了Make:

Make可以识别自上次编译之后那些文件发生了改变,从而在下次编译时只对这些发生改变的文件进行编译,而忽略那些没有变化的文件,从而大大降低了程序的编译时间。 Make同时支持依赖关系追踪,也就是你可以告诉编译器,文件A依赖于文件B,因此当文件B发生改变后,文件A也会被重新编译,并且如果编译文件A时,文件B还没有被编译,那么Make会告诉编译器应该先编译文件B。 Make 实际上是一个跟ls和dir差不多的可执行文件,只不过你需要提供一个Makefile文件给它作为输入,Makefile中对每个需要编译的文件及它们 的依赖关系进行定义,Makefile的语法类似于Shell脚本,但又有些不同,这里我们不需要关心Makefile的语法。



创 建任务,对于大型程序来说,编译完成并不意味着可以了事,往往你需要编写一大堆的脚本来控制它的运行,或者查看它的运行状态等等,这种情况下,你就可以创 建一个Makefile来管理所有这些任务,然后你就可以使用诸如“make stupid”,“make clever”来分别运行糊涂和聪明任务了。 依 赖关系追踪,当你开始写一个库的时候,你可能会发现,越来越的的任务存在重复,比如”migrate“和”shema: dump“就都需要连接数据库,这时你就可以抽象出一个”connect_to_db”任务,并设置”migrate”和”shema: dump”任务都依赖于”connect_to_db”,这样当你单独运行”migrate”或者”shema:dump”任务时, “connect_to_db”任务都会被首先调用,如果你同时运行这两个任务,那么”connect_to_db”任务只会被执行一次。 Rake是怎么来的?

很多年以前,当 Jim Weirich还在为一个Java项目工作时,他最初的选择也是Makefile,但是很快他意识到:要是能够在Makefile中嵌入Ruby代码,那会是多么的方便呀,于是,Rake就这么产生了。




买酒 买下酒菜 搞掂它们 假设使用Rake来管理这3个任务,那么我首先需要创建一个Rakefile文件:

task :purchaseAlcohol do puts “来瓶五粮液” end task :mixDrink do puts “上盘花生米” end task :getSmashed do puts “老板, 啥时学的分身术, 很强嘛?” end


$ rake purchaseAlcohol 来瓶五粮液 $ rake mixDrink 上盘花生米 $ rake getSmashed 老板, 啥时学的分身术, 很强嘛?




task :purchaseAlcohol do puts “来瓶五粮液” end task :mixDrink => :purchaseAlcohol do puts “上盘花生米” end task :getSmashed => :mixDrink do puts “老板, 啥时学的分身术, 很强嘛?” end


$ rake purchaseAlcohol 来瓶五粮液 $ rake mixDrink 来瓶五粮液 上盘花生米 $ rake getSmashed 来瓶五粮液 上盘花生米 老板, 啥时学的分身术, 很强嘛?


为Rake任务生成文档 再简单不过了:

desc “工作郁闷,想喝点酒” task :purchaseAlcohol do puts “来瓶五粮液” end desc “得有点下酒菜” task :mixDrink => :purchaseAlcohol do puts “来盘花生米” end desc “开喝,不醉不归” task :getSmashed => :mixDrink do puts “老板, 啥时学的分身术, 很强嘛?” end

就像你看到的,我的每个任务都有了一个desc字段,现在我和我的朋友们就可以通过rake -T或者rake –task来查看每个任务的文档了:

$ rake —tasks rake getSmashed # 开喝,不醉不归 rake mixDrink # 得有点下酒菜 rake purchaseAlcohol # 工作郁闷,想喝点酒



namespace :alcoholic do desc “工作郁闷,想喝点酒” task :purchaseAlcohol do

puts "来瓶五粮液"

end desc “得有点下酒菜” task :mixDrink => :purchaseAlcohol do

puts "来盘花生米"

end desc “开喝,不醉不归” task :getSmashed => :mixDrink do

puts "老板, 啥时学的分身术, 很强嘛?"

end end namespace :girlfriend do desc “那个,喝点红酒吧” task :purchaseAlcohol do

puts "来瓶干红"

end end

命名空间允许你将你的任务进行分类,你可以在一个Rakefile内创建多个命名空间,现在输入rake –tasks你会得到如下输出:

rake alcoholic:getSmashed # 开喝,不醉不归 rake alcoholic:mixDrink # 得有点下酒菜 rake alcoholic:purchaseAlcohol # 工作郁闷,想喝点酒 rake girlfriend:purchaseAlcohol # 那个,喝点红酒吧



desc “Create blank directories if they don’t already exist” task(:create_directories) do # The folders I need to create shared_folders = [“icons”,“images”,“groups”]

for folder in shared_folders
# Check to see if it exists
if File.exists?(folder)
  puts "#{folder} exists"
  puts "#{folder} doesn't exist so we're creating"
  Dir.mkdir "#{folder}"

end end

默认情况下,Rake具有所有File Utils包的功能,当然你也可以通过引用其他库来做任何你想做的事情,那么下一个问题就是:我应该如何在Rails中使用Rake呢?


每个Rails应用本身都在带有许多预定义的Rake任务,你可以通过在你的Rails应用的根目录下执行rake –tasks来查看可用的rake任务,别以后了,现在就试试吧,我等你!



namespace :utils do desc “Create blank directories if they don’t already exist” task(:create_directories) do # The folders I need to create shared_folders = [“icons”,“images”,“groups”] for folder in shared_folders # Check to see if it exists if File.exists?(“#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{folder}”)

puts "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{folder} exists"


puts "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{folder} doesn't exist so we're creating"
Dir.mkdir "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/#{folder}"

end end end end

再次执行rake –tasks,你会看到如下结果

…… rake tmp:pids:clear # Clears all files in tmp/pids rake tmp:sessions:clear # Clears all files in tmp/sessions rake tmp:sockets:clear # Clears all files in tmp/sockets rake utils:create_directories # Create blank directories if they don’t already exist

从Rake任务中可以访问rails model吗?


namespace :utils do desc “Finds soon to expire subscriptions and emails users” task(:send_expire_soon_emails => :environment) do

# Find users to email
for user in User.members_soon_to_expire
  puts "Emailing #{}"

end end

实在是很简单,你只需要在你的任务之前执行”=> :environment“就可以了。

如果需要在开发模式执行这个任务,直接敲”rake utils:send_expire_soon_emails”就可以了,如果是产品模式,敲”rake RAILS_ENV=production utils:send_expire_soon_emails”,现在如果我想让这个任务每天晚上运行一次,那么,我只需要在cronjob文件中加入下面这行就可以了:

0 0 * * * cd /var/www/apps/rails_app/ && /usr/local/bin/rake RAILS_ENV=production utils:send_expire_soon_emails


namespace :sunspot do
  namespace :solr do
    desc 'Start the Solr instance'
    task :start => :environment do
      case RUBY_PLATFORM
      when /w(in)?32$/, /java$/
        abort("This command is not supported on #{RUBY_PLATFORM}. " +
              "Use rake sunspot:solr:run to run Solr in the foreground.")

      if defined?(Sunspot::Rails::Server)

      puts "Successfully started Solr ..."

    desc 'Run the Solr instance in the foreground'
    task :run => :environment do
      if defined?(Sunspot::Rails::Server)

    desc 'Stop the Solr instance'
    task :stop => :environment do
      case RUBY_PLATFORM
      when /w(in)?32$/, /java$/
        abort("This command is not supported on #{RUBY_PLATFORM}. " +
              "Use rake sunspot:solr:run to run Solr in the foreground.")

      if defined?(Sunspot::Rails::Server)

      puts "Successfully stopped Solr ..."

    # for backwards compatibility
    task :reindex => :"sunspot:reindex"


These brand new rake tasks in Edge Rails create and reset your databases for you. Neato! Craig Ambrose wrote a Rake task to do database backups, which you can use. Adam Greene put together a set of Rake tasks that allow you to backup all your data to Amazon S3 Jay Fields made a good point when he talked about testing rake tasks Err the blog talks about a new way of setting the RAILS_ENV and teaches how to use rake to boot you into a Mysql shell (be sure to read the comments if you browse this one). Last, but not least, there’s the Rake Bookshelf Books and Martin Fowler’s Using the Rake Build Language tutorial . Both of these are pretty thorough, but also a little dated

Tracking Rails 3.1 and Asset Pipeline Problems With Apache

Tracking Rails 3.1 and asset pipeline problems with Apache

ubuneu install apache module sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-xsendfile


LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule passenger_module /usr/share/ruby-rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p357/gems/passenger-3.0.11/ext/apache2/
#sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-xsendfile
LoadModule xsendfile_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
PassengerRoot /usr/share/ruby-rvm/gems/ruby-1.8.7-p357/gems/passenger-3.0.11
PassengerRuby /usr/share/ruby-rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p357/bin/ruby

# PassengerMaxPoolSize 10

# DocumentRoot /var/www/enki/public
XSendFile On

RewriteEngine On

# AllowOverride all
# Options -MultiViews
XSendFilePath /var/www/enki

LoadModule headers_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule expires_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

# Some browsers still send conditional-GET requests if there’s a
# Last-Modified header or an ETag header even if they haven’t
# reached the expiry date sent in the Expires header.
Header unset Last-Modified
Header unset ETag
# This required etag module to be enabled. Comment out
FileETag None
# RFC says only cache for 1 year
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault “access plus 1 year”

If you have a module version < 0.10, add this to the virtual host config that needs to send files: XSendFile On XSendFileAllowAbove On This allows any file path (not only those below your VHost root) to be sent through X-Sendfile, which is sort of bad practice. You can either live with it or compile a newer version of the module.

If you got a module version >= 0.10 you can whitelist the allowed paths instead: XSendFile On XSendFilePath /opt/www/awesome-project

Migrating my blog over to Rails 3.1 beta

Enable the asset pipeline

config.assets.enabled = true

config/environments/development.rb (remove or comment out the following line)

#config.action_view.debug_rjs             = true

config/environments/production.rb (add these lines)

# Compress both stylesheets and JavaScripts
config.assets.js_compressor  = :uglifier
config.assets.css_compressor = :scss

mkdir app/assets
git mv public/images app/assets/images
git mv public/javascripts app/assets/javascripts
git mv public/stylesheets app/assets/stylesheets

Finally, in your production environment, don’t forget to statically generate your compiled assets with this Rake task:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile

It will create files such as these:


Ruby 异常处理 Begin …end

Ruby 异常处理 begin …end

在java中,异常的捕捉是在try … catch当中进行,而ruby则是在begin … end代码块中进行异常的捕捉,在该代码块中使用rescue关键字进行捕捉异常类型,注意哦,这个是关键字,而不是方法。 Ruby代码 begin …… #可能出现异常的代码
rescue errorType1 #要捕捉的异常类型
…… #处理异常的代码
rescue errorType2 #要捕捉的异常类型
…… #处理异常的代码
end 以上代码就是一个大概的捕捉异常的例子,在begin和end代码块中通过rescue进行异常类型的捕捉然后进行适当的处理,可是如果抛出的异常类型并没有显示的捕捉如何处理呢?那就是在最后使用else,如下: Ruby代码 begin …… #可能出现异常的代码
rescue errorType1 #要捕捉的异常类型
…… #处理异常的代码
rescue errorType2 #要捕捉的异常类型
…… #处理异常的代码
else …… #如果以上代码类型都没有捕捉到,则运行该段代码

这时又有一个问题,如果我想获取异常信息又该如何做呢?请看下面的代码: Ruby代码 begin raise ArgumentError, “Bad data” rescue => err
puts err
end 通 过rescue => variable的方式,就可以将异常保存为一个variable了。又解决了一个问题,还有什么问题呢?啊,对了,在java的使用当中,比如使用 Connection进行数据库连接后,最后一定要进行资源的清理,都是在finally块当中进行的,可是在ruby中又如何进行这些资源的清理呢?看 看下面的代码: Ruby代码 begin raise ArgumentError, “Bad data” rescue => err
puts err
ensure … #执行清理工作

module GitHelper
  def list_user_repos(user="jhjguxin", options={})
    skip_fork = options[:skip_fork] || false
    sort_by = options[:sort_by] || "created_at"
    github =
      repos=github.repos.list_repos :user => user
    #rescue   errorType1             #要捕捉的异常类型
    #......                                #处理异常的代码 
    rescue => err   
      puts err
      return repos=[]
    ensure #这里的代码在总是被执行,可以做一些清理工作
      puts "process finished ..."
    if skip_fork
      repos.each do |r|
        repos.delete(r) if r.fork==true


Rails Form_for With Associations Defined and Multipart Set to True Not Working

Rails form_for with associations defined and multipart set to true not working

So I have one form:

<%= form_for([@document, @comment]) do |f| %>

Showing /home/jhjguxin/enki/app/views/posts/show.html.erb where line #31 raised:

wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) Any ideas? Running Rails 3.1.3 with Ruby 1.9.2p180 Bellow will fix it

<%= form_for (@comment, :url => [@document, @comment]) do |f| %>

Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection Refused - Connect(2) While Connecting to a Remote Solr Instance From Sunspot

Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused – connect(2) while connecting to a remote solr instance from Sunspot

Quickstart with Rails 3

Add to Gemfile:

gem 'sunspot_rails' gem 'sunspot_solr' # optional pre-packaged Solr distribution for use in development

Bundle it!

bundle install

Generate a default configuration file:

rails generate sunspot_rails:install

If sunspot_solr was installed, start the packaged Solr distribution with:

bundle exec rake sunspot:solr:start # or sunspot:solr:run to start in foreground

Now that Sunspot knows how to index the Post model, we need to get the existing data into Solr. Any time a Post is created, updated, or destroyed, Sunspot::Rails will automatically make the change to the index; you only need to do a full reindex if you’ve added or changed a searchable definition for a model.

$ rake sunspot:reindex

If sunspot_solr was installed, start the packaged Solr distribution with:

jhjguxin@jhjguxin-Aspire-4750:~$ heroku run:detached rake sunspot:solr:start RAILS_ENV=production rake sunspot:solr:start --app francisjiang or type:sunspot-solr start -- -p 8983 or sunspot-solr start -- -p 8983 -d data/solr/myapp Try to start the solr
##with apache+solr+rails
jhjguxin@jhjguxin-virtual-machine:/var/www/enki$ sudo gem install sunspot_solr
Successfully installed escape-0.0.4
Successfully installed sunspot_solr-1.3.0
2 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for escape-0.0.4...
Installing ri documentation for sunspot_solr-1.3.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for escape-0.0.4...
Installing RDoc documentation for sunspot_solr-1.3.0...
jhjguxin@jhjguxin-virtual-machine:/var/www/enki$ sudo sunspot-solr start -- -p 8983 -d solr/data/
[sudo] password for jhjguxin: 
java version "1.6.0_23"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11pre) (6b23~pre11-0ubuntu1.11.10.1)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 20.0-b11, mixed mode, sharing)

Solr服务控制 将以上内容添加到Rakefile后,将会多出4个task出来 服务器启动: rake sunspot:solr:start 初次启动,会安装一个embed的solr程序,那么开发环境中省去了安装配置Solr环境繁琐步骤。不过,production环境里可不要使用这个embed版。 服务器停止: rake sunspot:solr:stop 全部重建索引: rake sunspot:reindex 如果你想看到运行日志,把服务跑在前端。可以使用一下命令: rake sunspot:solr:run 使用以上命令,就能完成对Sunspot的控制。



Heroku 是Ruby on Rails的托管提供商,提供运行Ruby on Rails应用的整套环境。和传统的托管商相比,他并不仅仅是提供一个服务器给你,而且提供有趣的工具和接口来帮助你更加容易的工作,使你从繁重的安装、配置、管理和保证服务器安全中解脱出来。 Heroku是用git来管理项目的,另外还要用到ssh来登录,这两个工具在Linux环境下的安装方法如下: git安装


当然要使用Heroku,你就要到其 官方网 注册一个账号; 以上工作完成后,并可进行如下操作,将你的Rails应用托管到Heroku:


①、$ gem install heroku

②、先要生成一个公钥,使用命令: $ ssh-keygen -t rsa Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/ The key fingerprint is: a6:88:0a:bb:74:70:c6:e0:d5:49:65:e3:04:d5:6c:3e user@workstation.local

把公钥加入到Heroku $ heroku keys:add Uploading ssh public key /home/user/.ssh/

如果想删除公钥,可以用命令: $ heroku keys:remove user@workstation.local

查看公钥,用命令: $ heroku keys

③、现在就可以创建一个项目了(预先要安装好rails)。 $ rails myapp            (如果是已有的应用,这一步可以跳过)

$ cd myapp $ git init $ git add . $ git commit -m “my first commit” Created initial commit 5df2d09: my first commit 44 files changed, 8393 insertions(+), 0 deletions(–) create mode 100644 README create mode 100644 Rakefile create mode 100644 app/controllers/application.rb …

In heroku how to control the ruby version

Usage: heroku stack

show the list of available stacks

—all  # include deprecated stacks

Additional commands, type “heroku help COMMAND” for more details:

stack:migrate STACK  # prepare migration of this app to a new stack

use heroku create —stack to creat the stack

heroku create —stack bamboo-ree-1.8.7


④、把这个项目创建到Heroku上。 $ heroku create myapp Enter your Heroku credentials. Email: Password: Uploading ssh public key /home/user/.ssh/ (当第一次运行heroku命令时,要求输入Email,password,这个是你在Heroku注册的Email和密码,以便创建~/.heroku/credentials文件,这个文件记录了你输入的用户名和密码,以后就不再需要输入了。)

⑤、接下来运行: $ git push heroku master Counting objects: 65, done. Compressing objects: 100% (58/58), done. Writing objects: 100% (65/65), 80.54 KiB, done. Total 65 (delta 14), reused 0 (delta 0)

——–> Heroku receiving push ——–> Rails app detected Compiled slug size is 0.1MB ——–> Launching……. done App deployed to Heroku

To * [new branch]      master –> master

⑥、再做一个数据库迁移: $ heroku rake db:migrate


更新代码可以用: $ git push heroku

The rake db:reset task is not supported. Heroku apps do not have permission to drop and create databases. Use the heroku pg:reset command instead.

将本地数据更新到Heroku网站上: $ heroku db:push (这个命令会使用taps,如果没有安装,请先安装。)

要打开网页浏览,就可以用 $ heroku open

Permission denied (publickey) when deploying heroku code. fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

jhjguxin@jhjguxin-virtual-machine:~/heroku_enki$ git push heroku master Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly jhjguxin@jhjguxin-virtual-machine:~/heroku_enki$ heroku keys:add ~/.ssh/ Uploading ssh public key /home/jhjguxin/.ssh/ jhjguxin@jhjguxin-virtual-machine:~/heroku_enki$ git push heroku masterCounting objects: 460, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (418/418), done. Writing objects: 100% (460/460), 447.32 KiB | 141 KiB/s, done. Total 460 (delta 55), reused 0 (delta 0)

about db

To ease deployment of typical Rails applications, Heroku automatically generates a new database.yml file on deployment. This auto-generated database.yml file configures your RACK_ENV environment to your selected postgres db. This enables you to simply push a Rails app up to Heroku and have it automatically connect to your database.

I had the same problem, and although I did not solve the problem, I found a workaround.

Instead of using:

heroku run rake db:migrate

You can use:

heroku run:detached rake db:migrate

This runs the command in the background, writing the output to the log. When it is finished you can view the log for the result.


  1. heroku rename newname


  1. $ git remote rm heroku
  2. $ git remote add heroku