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How Use the Collection Type Model Column怎样使用集合类型的模型字段

How use the collection type model column怎样使用集合类型的模型字段

For example you have bellow code in migrate folder

# 0: <20, 1: 20< <=25 , 2: 25< <=30, 3: 30< <=35, 4: 35< <=40, 5: 40<

add_column :profiles, :agerange, :integer</code>

and then how to use it:

for model file:

# 0: <20, 1: 20< <=25 , 2: 25< <=30, 3: 30< <=35, 4: 35< <=40, 5: 40< A20 = 0 A20_25 = 1 A25_30 = 2 A30_35 = 3 A35_40 = 4 A40 = 5


A20        => "#{I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.profiles.agerange.A20")}",
A20_25     => "#{I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.profiles.agerange.A20_25")}",
A25_30     => "#{I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.profiles.agerange.A25_30")}",
A30_35     => "#{I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.profiles.agerange.A30_35")}",
A35_40     => "#{I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.profiles.agerange.A35_40")}",
A40        => "#{I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.profiles.agerange.A40")}",


validates_inclusion_of :agerange, :in => AGERANGE.keys,

  :message => " must be in #{AGERANGE.values.join ','}"

# just a helper method for the view def age_range



and then how use them in ‘form‘ and ’show‘ page
in form.html.erb

<%= f.label :agerange, t("activerecord.attributes.profiles.agerange_label") %>
<%= select_tag(:agerange, options_for_select(Profile::AGERANGE.invert)) %></code>
in show.html.erb
<%= s.attribute :age_range %>

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